Section 6 - Configuring backup Sets

A backup set defines the configuration of a backup routine, such as backup schedule, backup source and encryption setting as well as other options.

6.1.3 Backup Source

  1. Click on the [Backup Source] tab to configure backup source of a backup set.

  2. A Backup Source defines the files and directories to be included for backup.

  3. There are two types of backup source: Selected and Deselected.

  4. On the basic backup source selection dialog, you can select directories that are commonly selected as backup source for backup:

  5. Click on [Advanced] button to access the advanced backup source dialog to select other directories for backup.

    The checkbox beside a root drives, directory or file can be in one of the following mode:


    All directories and files under this directory will be backed up.

    All directories and files under this directory except those explicitly excluded will be backed up.

    Directories and files selected to this directory in the future will be backed up as well.

    Only the checked directories and files under this directory will be backed up.

    Directories and files selected to this directory in the future will not be backed up.

    No directory or file under this directory will be backed up.

    For installation on Windows platforms, hidden directories and files will be displayed only if the [Hide protected operating files] setting of Windows Explorer is disabled.

    By selecting a parent directory as backup source, all child directories and files including any hidden directories or files would be backup as well.

    To avoid backing up hidden directories such as the Recycle Bin folder, please select the corresponding directories or files required as backup source directly, instead of selecting the parent directory or root drive letter.

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