Section 11 - Backup / Restore Windows System (WBAdmin)
This section describes in details how to backup and restore Windows System with OBM (MS Windows System backup Module).
11.5.1 Recover volumes with the Recovery Wizard
Refer to the following instruction to perform a volume recovery with the Recovery Wizard:
- From the [Start] menu, click [Administrative Tools], and then click [Windows Server Backup].
- In the [Actions] panel under [Windows Server Backup], click [Recover] to open the Recovery Wizard.
- In the [Getting Started] menu, specify the backup is stored on [This server], click [Next].
- In the [Select Backup Date] menu, select the date from the calendar and the time from the drop-down list of backup to restore from.
- In the [Select Recovery Type] menu, click [Volumes], and then click [Next].
- On the [Select Volumes] Menu, select the check boxes associated with the volumes to be recover.
- From the associated drop-down list in the [Destination Volume] column, select the recovery destination volume, and click [Next].
- On the [Confirmation] menu, review the details; click [Recover] to begin the restore process.
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